This study is now closed. For current opportunities, browse our studies page.

Project Baseline by Verily

Covid-19 Research Project

Contribute to research for developing treatments, antibody testing, and vaccines

Enrollment closed

Over age 18

You may receive compensation for participating in research opportunities

COVID-19 is altering the world as we know it. Safeguarding our communities and beginning to return to normalcy hinges on advancing science.

You may hold the key. The Baseline COVID-19 Research Project is open to anyone interested in making a direct impact on the fight against COVID-19.

Bill Marks, MD

Bill Marks

Speeding the science of COVID-19

Learning more about COVID-19

Because there's much we don't know about the novel (or new) coronavirus, we're studying it from multiple angles. The COVID-19 Research Project is open to everyone who wants to contribute directly to crucial research — regardless of whether you have personally experienced the illness.

Based on your profile, you may have access to specialized opportunities. Different activities may have specific requirements and levels of compensation.

Project Baseline is an initiative to make it easy and engaging for people like you to contribute to the map of human health and participate in clinical research.

Together with researchers, clinicians, engineers, designers, advocates, and volunteers, we're collaborating to build the next generation of healthcare tools and services.

Verily Life Sciences

Who's eligible

  • Age 18 or older
  • US resident
  • Willing to sign informed consent and join the Project Baseline Community and Baseline COVID-19 Research Project

What's involved

As part of the COVID-19 Research Project, you will have the opportunity to help scientists learn how to fight COVID-19. This may include opportunities such as:

Baseline Antibody Research

If you have received testing for COVID-19 you may be eligible for specific studies, including antibody research focused on immune response. This will involve providing blood, nasal, and saliva samples 3 times over the course of approximately 10 weeks. This opportunity is open to individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, starting in the Bay Area.

Contributing information to help researchers learn

You may be asked to share insights about your health and habits, which can help scientists understand COVID-19’s impact. We may also ask you to share your EHR (electronic health records) to provide a more holistic view of your health history.

Gaining access to relevant studies

Get future access to COVID-19 research opportunities. You can take part in whatever research interests you. Relevant activities will be accessible through your online member portal. Different research opportunities may have specific requirements and levels of compensation.

What you'll receive

It feels good to do good, plus you will:

Directly benefit humanity by advancing critical COVID-19 research

You may receive compensation for participating in research activities

Get exclusive access to the Project Baseline community, resources, and study opportunities

Contribute to advancing COVID-19 research

COVID-19 Research Project

Study FAQs

Project Baseline is an initiative to make it easy and engaging for people to contribute to the map of human health and participate in clinical research.

Project Baseline was founded by Verily, a subsidiary of Alphabet focused on life sciences and healthcare and is a sister company to Google.

Antibody research is critical to answering a number of scientific and public health questions, including how and when to begin reopening communities. As a research initiative focused on exploring little-understood areas of science to develop a map of human health, Project Baseline wanted to help. This opportunity was offered to those who tested positive for COVID-19 in the Bay Area.

To rapidly launch this research, we conducted serology (blood) testing and analyzed samples at an on-site clinic and lab in the Bay Area. This study is no longer enrolling new participants, but other opportunities in the COVID-19 Research Project are open.

Verily needs a way to authenticate users to appropriately protect their information. Verily turned to Google for this service because Google Account provides best in class authentication. We ask that you link to an existing Google Account or create a new Google Account (which can be done with any email address) for authentication purposes.

No, authenticating your account and authorizing us to use service providers does not authorize us to link your data with Google account data. We do not combine this data with an individual's Google account, and were we to ever wish to do so, individuals would need to provide separate and explicit consent.

The COVID-19 Research Project is open to everyone who wants to contribute directly to crucial research — regardless of whether they have personally experienced the illness. Beyond clinical study opportunities, research activities may also include scientific surveys on mental health, lifestyle, and more.

Such information from healthy individuals can help quantify the public health impact of the disease, and provide a basis for better understanding the changes caused by COVID-19. Members of the Project Baseline can access opportunities and choose to take part in whatever research interests them through an online member portal.

No. The Baseline COVID-19 Testing Program is focused on expanding access to COVID-19 testing and screening. As a separate initiative, Verily is aiming to help enable better treatments for COVID-19 by conducting research.

Individuals who have received testing through the Baseline COVID-19 Testing Program will need to provide separate and explicit consent to join the Research Project. Joining the Research Project has no bearing on screening, test scheduling, or receiving results.

No. We will not share any information with your insurance or medical providers without your consent. You and your doctor will continue to make decisions about your care.

We are committed to maintaining high privacy standards and keeping your data safe. Project Baseline follows federal and state regulations governing the collection and use of an individual's data, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Data is stored in advanced systems with world class  security protocols.

If you join the Baseline COVID-19 Research Project, you will have access to different research opportunities. You may be asked to perform certain activities such as:

  • giving samples (such as blood, stool, swabs and urine)
  • using devices (such as a wrist-worn sensor)
  • providing health measurements (such as height, weight, body temperature and blood pressure),
  • providing access to health information (such as health records and insurance claims information). This requires explicit authorization.

Data collected from this study will be used by Verily and shared with third parties, such as, but not limited to, organizations that do work on our behalf. Information may also be used to match you with relevant clinical trial opportunities, which may involve other third parties like academic research institutions, biopharma, and medical device companies. If you choose to enroll in a clinical trial involving a third party, you will be asked to sign a separate consent.

Information may also be used for commercial product development by Verily and other third parties.

Joining the Baseline COVID-19 Research Project gives Verily consent to use and share your data from the Baseline COVID-19 Testing Program. For more information, see "Is the COVID-19 Research Project part of the COVID-19 Testing Program?"

If you still have questions on the COVID-19 Research Project, contact our team at If you need help with the Baseline COVID-19 Testing Program, please visit our dedicated support page and click the phone or email icon.